Dr. Andreas Radmacher Appointed as the New Chairman of the Advisory Board of enercast GmbH
Dr. Andreas Radmacher has been appointed as the new chairman of the advisory board of enercast GmbH in Kassel. Other enercast advisory board members include Markus Kressmann, Investment Director of the High-Tech Gründerfonds, and Dr. Frank Starrmann, Managing Director of Innogy Venture Capital GmbH.
enercast GmbH is a forecast specialist for renewable energy with headquarters in Kassel. enercast bases its forecasts on special algorithms that were developed together with the Fraunhofer Institute IWES and allow reliable and accurate performance forecasts and projections for wind and solar power plants. In this way, enercast enables the integration of wind and solar power into the grids and energy markets.
“In the person of Dr Andreas Radmacher, we have gained an expert in the international energy and raw material industry as advisory board chairman”, says Thomas Landgraf, managing director and founder of enercast gmbh. “With his strategic competence and operational experience, Andreas Radmacher will enable enercast to move ahead with the further development and international expansion of our business model.”
“I am looking forward to actively supporting an innovative young company with a future-oriented business model – in particular with regard to internationalisation”, said Dr. Andreas Radmacher, who will be actively involved in the company.
Dr. Andreas Radmacher previously worked as an executive board member for the DAX-listed company K+S AG. In the past fifteen years he was a member of the executive board or CEO of various leading companies in the raw materials and energy sectors.
He began his career with positions at STEAG AG and the Enron Group, where he was responsible for business in Germany. As of 2002, he was a member of the executive board of the Czech company Transgas a.s. and responsible for the natural gas business with GAZPROM and Norwegian gas producers. As a member of the executive board of RWE Energy AG, Radmacher headed various departments between 2003 and 2009 – including RWE’s continental European electricity and natural gas sales divisions. In this function, he was chairman of the supervisory board of energy companies in Germany, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
As chairman of the executive board (CEO) of RWE Turkey Holding A.S., Istanbul from 2009 to 2013, he was responsible for RWE’s entrance into the Turkish energy market. In addition to the construction of an 850 MW gas power plant, he oversaw the development of electricity and gas sales and trading activities. In 2013, Dr. Andreas Radmacher became CEO of the commodities group K+S, where he was in charge of the potash and magnesium products division until February 2016.
The long-standing previous advisory board chairman, Dr. Wilfried Lyhs, resigned from office as planned and is withdrawing from the advisory board. “We would like to thank Dr Wilfried Lyhs for the many years of trusting cooperation and the impetus he provided during our start-up phase”, says Landgraf.